
Monday, February 11, 2019

Half Century Valentines

My Valentine and I met fifty years ago, come June. 

We're not very good at celebrating milestones, or anniversaries, or holidays. 
But this year I found a creative Valentine's gift for us to share. Flowers are lovely, but they're too easy. What do they really say?  And these days we need restaurants that are carpeted, and forget the soft music, because we just can't hear.

It's not too late to run out (to Target) and get your own copy--I found a little book of memory prompts called 642 THINGS ABOUT YOU (THAT I LOVE). These are nudges to loving words, happy memories, and fond observations that can plumb to deep parts of your relationship. 

The authors are members of the San Francisco Writers' Grotto. And they've compiled what we teachers call "starters" to get the brain engaged and the heart warmed-up. 

My plan is to give my honey the book, wrapped up all pretty, and explain that I have started writing things I admire, enjoy, appreciate about him. I've marked them with sticky notes so he can find them. And then I'm asking him to find some that evoke things he loves about me, and pass the book back. 

Here are some that I liked (but haven't completed yet). 

I love (I've noted)...

that you like the smell of...
that you can't stand the smell of...
3 things you need when we are in the car...
The three things you do when watching sports...

Granted, they don't all apply. But it's a nearly blank page, so go ahead and edit. 

My hope is that I'll complete a few each week, give it back to him, and we'll intentionally be exercising positive thoughts and recalling memories from near and far for the year. 

It's a list lover's dream, dedicated to improving our already rewarding marriage. 

But I don't remember seeing "I love how you create projects for us..." Probably just as well, I'm not sure he would fill that one in. 

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