I planted 9 plants total, combination of Goliath and Mountain Glory. Both have performed beyond my expectations. I estimate I've picked upwards of 125 pounds of tomatoes.
It took two of us to haul in Monday's harvest.vMy husband predicted a flare up in my symptoms of *abundant harvest disorder.
Check yourself to see if you suffer from this common seasonal malady.
You've stocked freezer bags in snack, pint, quart and gallon sizes. Likewise Glad stackable reusable plastic containers, or rings lids and extra canning jars. You have citric acid, two kinds of salt, and an extra stash of dried herbs in case your fresh ones aren't at peak when you need them.
You're checking the internet for new ways to use the combinations of produce coming out of the garden. You've served it in a quiche,
simmered into a soup, and grated it into breads.
I've made tomato pie,
mild and medium salsa (two batches),
simmered the tomatoes down and mashed them into a soup bases, both Italian and Mexican flavored,
slow roasted quarters in the oven to add to said soups,
kept the extra juice to use as broth in rice and quinoa,
and tonight we'll try them in Tomato Gratin with Basil.
And of course, I'm eating them sliced in a sandwich every day until the acid triggers cankers.
More symptoms of *A.H.D.
You have offered vegetables to friends and strangers. The cable guy said
"My grandma grows enough for the whole county." You take them to the food bank. Even they say "no thank you."
You are getting persnickety about the quality of what you bring into the house. Would this be worthy of a 5 star restaurant? If not, chuck it into the compost. I toss them over the fence into the neighbor's field. Could they be poisonous to the cows?
You ignore the pain in your back from cutting up vegetables and standing at the stove. You keep Tylenol on the kitchen counter.
The canning kettle sits out permanently. There's no point in putting it away this evening if you'll just pull out out tomorrow.
And secretly, you hope for an early fall.
Friend, if you have less than three of these symptoms, either you had a mediocre harvest, or you only have a mild case of the disorder. All will be well in a few weeks.
For those with four or five, your recovery may take a little longer.
photo thanks to Brooke and Scott Lowry |
For those with a severe case--just get-'er-done. Think ahead to the coming chill. How, gathered around the table, your family will look at you with awe and gratitude when you serve steaming bowls of corn, beans, or the tureen of home made soup.
Invite me over then. I'll bring the tomatoes and a bottle of wine.
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